Monday, June 25, 2007

Wanna hear something funny?

Yesterday was my birthday. I am now two years away from 40.

So today at work, Deb brought a tray of sweet bread and Lily brought donuts and kolaches to celebrate this momentous event.

We all enjoyed the stuffs and had some laughs (at my expense, of course) then it was time to get back to work. So I say my thank yous and good-byes, they all leave and I turn to get to work.

Well, the tray of sweet bread was right in front of my computer screen. I had to move it to do get started with work, right? So, grab the tray while I'm getting up and something catches my foot (ok it is a freaking cord that goes to this heating pad/massage thingy that I have on my chair. I hardly ever even turn it on...).
I lose footing and I trip... The bread goes everywhere and there is this loud crashing. Surprisingly, only Lily is witness to the spectacle. So yeah, there's lots of crumbs on the floor. Here's the bad part --- shhh... I put the bread back on the tray and placed it on the file cabinet where the candy dish sits. shhh... let's see if anyone just comes and grabs some. I'll tell them they can have it if they don't mind the 10-second rule (since the bread did touch the ground and there is evidence that will stay there all day until the cleaning crew comes and vacuums it away). :)

Well anyway, I fell cos I'm getting old. And when you get old, you lose your senses, you're mobility gets strained, bones are weak... Its not a good thing. I mean, c'mon, the heating/massage chair pad thingy didn't give my age away?

Luckily, I was able to get back up, this time. But I'm thinking pretty soon I am definitely going to need one of those med alert bracelets. And possibly, I will be able audition to be the star of the next generation "I've fallen and I can't get up" commercial. I think I'm good enough for that gig.

1 comment:

Chris Brogan said...

Happy Birthday to you (a day late). Happy Birthday to you (a day late). Happy Birthday dear fleasha-my-new-twitter-friend-with-the-very-clever-name...

Happy Birthday to you (a day late)!