This is going to be short and sweet.
I had not tweeted all day today. No big deal. Right? Right.
When I finally do, this is what happens. It blew my mind for a second.
You see it? huh? huh?
Well when I tweet I sometimes want to see it on the public time line. Its like seeing my name in lights or on the walk of fame and its cool. To me that is.
Well, check out what got me OMGing.
Just under my tweet. there is a mystical and a mstickel. right after one another. Now this could not have been planned, right? I mean, they can't be friends and thought they'd tweet at the same time so their names can come up together. right? its impossible. right? there are way too many twitterers tweeting to be able to do that, right? I don't know. I guess I'm still blown away.
ok maybe its no big deal to anyone... but it was to me. thus, my blogging about it. so there it is. Could I be totally sick with twitter? That I am actually blogging about it? and its bothering me? is it time to let it go? or what?
Tell me this is wild, please?
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