Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New Year

Howdy folks!
I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

I am an Addict.

My DOC is.... umm.... farmville.

(hah, as if no one knew...)
I am addicted. Yes. I. Am.

My son thinks I'm lame. But isn't that what most teens think of their parents?
Barry has finally accepted that Farmville is a part of my life and will be ok when I am on my farm and not sitting next to him watching TV. (I don't care for TV). My sister was over yesterday. She told me that she couldn't believe there were gift cards for Farmville. I told her, yes, and I would love one.  She rolled her eyes. She thinks I'm a loser.  She should be glad, though. when her kids come to visit with me, I don't lock them in the closet so I can play my game in peace. So, Little Sis, be glad. :) 

So, yes... I'm a lame loser and I want a freaking farmville giftcard!

Check out what all this fuss is about...
My Farm!


The only reason I started playing Farmville was because they had gnomes. It took me forever to get my first gnome. Now I have a bazllion!  My latest one is the 2011 gnome. I had to buy it. 18 FV Dollars. :)

Happy New Year!
Come be my neighbor!

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