This is a dual purpose post. One because I need to start blogging again and secondly because I need to fulfill a swap on swapbot.
I haven't been much of a pet owner. We didn't grow up having a dog or a cat around. Well, I take that back.
We did have a huge Irish Setter named Rufus or maybe it was Cherry - gosh I can't remember - my dad had one at his house and we had one at ours... I forget who went where...anyway, when I was about 5-7 years old. My cousin and I would try to ride it like a horse, but she'd buck and we'd fall off. One day, we were on the porch and my cousin tried to ride her again... well she ended up busting her head on the brick pillars on our porch. blood everywhere. After that we didn't treat the dog like a horse.
So after that I didn't have a pet for a long time. I believe I was already out of high school (or it could have been my last year). I found a dog wandering the street so I decided to take him home. I named him PuppyLove. I had PuppyLove for a few months. He ran away three times. The last time he left, he didn't leave a note or anything like that, but I figured since he didn't want to be my PuppyLove so I just let him be. I hope he found a happy home. Obviously mine wasn't.
Oh wait, I do remember having another puppy that a boy from the next street gave me. It was on Valentine's Day. If I remember the boy's name correctly it was Chris. (he was crazy about me and I was like ughhh... a boy! heehee) I was probably about 8 or 9 at the time. Well, my mom didn't want the pup in the house, so I put him in the garage. We lived in a wood house and had a detached garage. The garage had no insulation. Valentine's Day, Winter, Garage, No insulation... can ya get where I'm going with this?? No? Okay... I'll tell ya... the poor thing froze. not a happy story. No wonder I'm not much of a pet owner...
Ok, now come back to 2006. My son, in the fifth grade, wants a pet. I say "No!" I mean, c'mon, I've had bad luck with pets...
Well, my son doesn't listen to me.
He brought home the cutest little doxie mix. OHMAHGAH I fell in love with her...
The dog had been found wandering on the school grounds for a couple of days. My son got attatched to her so the principal called me to ask if Damon could take it home. I said, sure. It was lost. My plan was to find this dog's rightful owner.
I put out flyers and gave it a week... but by that time I had already fallen in love. Thank goodness no one claimed her. She was ours and we named her Coco. Well earlier this year we moved into an apartment. Which meant no yard and no more wood floors. I also had gotten really busy with other life stuff and didn't have the time to care for her, take her on walks, play with her... and since I was the only one that acted like I had a pet (the luster had worn off for my son and Barry wasn't into her as he had been...) so I had to give her away. But I was not about to take her to the SPCA... or any dog killing factory... oh no. (I think I've contributed more than enough to doggie heaven) So I sent out an email (a long one at that) to find a good home. I had so many requests for her it was kinda cool. But I ended up giving her to a friend of mine who I knew would take good care of her. We still keep in touch.
So here are pictures of Coco. You can also check out her Dogster page. Its like a myspace for doggies.
Well, I thought I was done with pets. Until a few months ago when my son brought home a kitten. grrrr....
again, the luster has worn off but this time I'm not having any of that crap where I have to do everything for it. I will buy her food and litter... BUT I DO NOT FEED HER OR CLEAN HER BOX!!! Damon and Barry do it. Damon doesn't really want her anymore, but Barry isn't about to let me give away another pet. So I'm stuck with another pet (for now).
She's really cute and at times can be fun... but I've never been a cat person. I don't like cats. well except for Garfield. I love Garfield... but he's in either paper or plastic form. I can deal with that. I think this cat knows I don't like her so she makes it a point to only be near me. To follow me where ever I go...
GOSH! it is so annoying! but I do love her. I guess.
I play Scrabulous (Scrabble) on Facebook, and this damn cat thinks she can play too.
1 comment:
I see our Princess Mia is not the only cat that loves computer screens.
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