Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I have more things to worry about than who's paying for the water.

I received a forwarded email today with the title Jena, Louisiana March and the American Red Cross.

It caught my attention. Most forwards are usually deleted upon receipt.

I opened it to find a letter that had been written to the American Red Cross from a Mr. James L Broadwell III, a resident of Jena, Louisiana.

It goes something like this:

I thought that the mission of the American Red Cross was to help people in
times of disaster. I have a problem with what I saw happening in Jena, La. yesterday. My problem is not with the people coming to Jena to march, they have that right, but with the American Red Cross giving away supplies to the marchers. The newspapers have stated that approximately 25,000 bottles of water were given out. I will not mention any medical care that was provided, but we do have a local hospital that offers excellent medical care, but not for free.

I sat on the balcony of my office and watched the marchers arriving carrying no supplies, but when they left Jena they were carrying bottles of water that was supplied by your organization. These people were not in a disaster mode, they knew what they were getting into when they came to rally, and should have planned better and brought their own supplies. I had a house burn in 1985 and lost everything, including my cars and dog, but never got a call or note from the Red Cross. I did not mind that I was not contacted by you and have not ever given it a second thought until yesterday. I have donated faithfully to the Red Cross for the better part of my 56 years, but no more. I know that in the scheme of things I am just a small drop in the bucket, but I will tell everyone that I know what has happened here, and maybe this small drop will turn into a flood. And yes you can use my name: It is James L. Broadwell III, my address is 329 Pleasant Hill Road, Jena, La. 71342.


Get the word out? Mis-use of my dollars?

Reading this kinda makes me want to smack someone and its not the Red Cross.

Frankly, I have more to worry about than who's paying for the water. Whatever my stance is on the Jena debate makes no difference either way. The march made worldwide news. In my opinion, water or not, the organizers of the March accomplished what they set out to do, gain attention, not water.

Oh my goodness... Mr. Broadwell had to go and add his two cents.

Now on the side of the Red Cross. Most people don't realize that the Red Cross is not a government agency (It never crossed my mind until today). But yet the Red Cross is always first on scene when an emergency arises. Its not like we are always prepared for an emergency. Right? ok, well I'm not. Anyhow...

The State of Louisiana requested "humanitarian" aid for the protesters.

First, the town has a population of 2,850 and could never accomodate the amount of visitors whatever the reason. Second, the businesses of Jena, LA decided they would shut down for the day, wishing not to benefit from the march... or maybe hope that the marchers would keel over and die for lack of food and water. Which really didn't matter because the march orgainzers requested that the protesters not support local businesses. No one wins that game.

The Red Cross is not a government agency; it relies on donations of time, money, and blood to do its work.

Mr. Bardwell, I am sorry you lost your everything, including your cars and dogs. I'm sorry that the Red Cross was not there in your time of need. From now on, you could have that donation money put in a savings account. Just a thought. And, oh my, no one sent you a note? You poor thing, you. I wonder where the note would have been sent being that your house was "poof" gone... I'm assuming your mailbox was gone as well. Did you leave a forwarding address? That really helps the USPS get your mail to you in cases such as this.

One last thing, Mr. Bardwell. You sir thought wrong.
The Red Cross not only helps people in times of disaster, but they also support people in humanitarian efforts. Food, Water, Shelter, the basic necessities in life. Imagine that. Its all in there. Maybe you missed it.

BTW, check with your local post office, I'm sure that note you were waiting for is in the undeliverable items bin. Good Luck.

1 comment:

Fictionista said...

OMG! What a small internet it is! You are the first link on Google for this guys name.

I didn't know you bloggered. 360-cheater. :P Now go to hhehehe
