So anyway, I came across an upcycling tutorial that uses an old sweater to make two winter hats. I looked at it and thought it looked easy enough. I could get a knitted hat without actually having to know how to knit. sweet.
So, being that I live in Houston where it hardly ever gets colder than the 50s, I don't own too many sweaters. I learned of this tutorial on Tuesday. Its been cold here this week... like in the freezing temps cold. so that means I'm wearing all the sweaters I own, this week. So I really couldn't cut into one of my existing sweaters - no matter how ugly and worn they may be.
I ended up taking a trip to one of the many thrift stores in my neighborhood. Luckily for me on the day that I went, they had a half off sale on pink tagged items. I found a decent but really ugly sweater marked at $2.30. I hate that I didn't take a pic of the sweater in all its ugliness. It was the type that had knitted flowers on top of appliqued leaves with a cow like pattern on the front. One sleeve was black and one was white. The back of the sweater was plain white. I used that for my hat. oh, heehee the sweater even had :gasp: shoulder pads!!!! WTF?! hahaha
I wasn't able to follow the tutorial to the letter. I was lazy. I'm always lazy.
I tried to access the tutorial via my cell phone. I can get to the link, but the pictures don't come up. So I had a stab at it by trying to remember what I saw earlier in the day. (no, I don't read patterns. I too lazy to follow directions and I have this thing about breaking rules. :) )
I'm not much of a perfect circle cutter type of person. After I sliced off the sleeves and the collar and band, I folded the back fabric and cut what I thought was a good enough circle (it looked more like a rounded square). Then I went a sewing away. I ended up with an *ok* funky but not cute hat. I wore it.

I conquered the hat and wanted to do something else with the left over fabric. So I made a doggie sweater for our sweet little rat terrier we call, Girl. I used the sleeves of the sweater for this idea. Luckily, Girl is teeny-tiny and fit the sleeve perfectly. The black one is kinda sorta a camouflage sweater. Other than the red strip of fleece at the bottom, it blends well with the color of her fur.
Yes, she’s not happy wearing it, but it DOES keep her warm so she’s dealing.
And no I’m not taking orders… :P